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Trash cans other than you own: Please do not place refuse in trash cans other than your own without prior permission from that owner.  Homeowners are expressing frustration with this.  Be mindful.  No one should have to store another's refuse between pickups especially items that smell.
Supervised Play in Streets: Please supervise your children at all times when they are playing in the complex. We have had near-miss traffic events with children darting out on bikes, scooters, etc.  Unsafe play in the streets of the complex by children and adults may be fined. Help us keep everyone safe. Remember that biking, skating, skateboards, scooters are not allowed on complex sidewalks to protect pedestrians and those playing from injury.
!!!! Continued Mail and Package Theft: We have continual reports of mail and package theft for items left outside the units and for outgoing mail left in mailbox slots. Please take all outgoing mail to the Post Office. You may wish to try to be home to receive your packages, request packages to be left with neighbors, etc.
You can install a camera doorbell to monitor your package delivery. Only doorbell cameras are approved for exterior mounting in the complex.  Check with the City of Rancho Palos Verdes for rebates on the Ring doorbells camera.  Any other exterior camera IS NOT approved.  Check with Traci at MPI on the color/models approved for the Ring doorbell.
Patio Tree Responsibility: Owners are responsible for the trees/landscaping located on their patios and the possible financial liability. Trees may not be higher than the garage roof. 
Address Numbers Reminder: All units must display the brass address numbers that were provided to you. Alternative address numbers attached to a unit are not allowed.
Coyote Sightings in Strathmore: A coyote has seen at night outside the pool area and on Toscanini right outside the complex.  One owner lost a cat to a coyote outside their front door.
Please be aware that coyotes live and roam the surrounding area AND our complex, usually nocturnally. 
Go to http://www.rpvca.gov/335/Coyotes for information from the City of Rancho Palos Verdes on coyotes.  PLEASE READ THIS INFORMATION and follow the guidelines.  Most importantly:
  • Do not leave pet food outside, especially overnight.
  • Do not leave water sources outside.
  • Do not leave small children and pets outside unattended.
Mailbox Blockage by Refuse Cans and Adequate Space from Buildings: The US Postal Carrier has asked us to be sure the mailbox slots are not blocked by the trash or recycling bins as this impedes the mail delivery. Please place the bins at least 3 feet from the unit to avoid stucco damage as they are picked up by the truck.
RPV Hours for Trash Can Placement and Removal: Remember that bins cannot be placed out for collection earlier than 4:00 pm on the day before the scheduled collection and empty bins must be removed from the curb no later than 10:00 pm on the day of collection.  Friday is our regular day of collection.
Reminders for Strathmore Parking:
No vehicle may be parked in the Common Area longer than 72 hours in the same parking space.  Request prior Board approval to park longer if going on vacation. Please be courteous park in another spot after 24 hours, rather than leave for awhile and return to the same spot.  The Board gets a lot of complaints about the same car in the same spot for long time periods.
Parking Behind Garages IS PROHIBITED by HOA rules and the Fire Department. This is a fire lane and must be kept clear for emergency vehicles.  Do NOT park behind your garage unless you have the garage door open and you are there for loading/unloading, etc. or you are running inside for no more than 10 minutes. You can be cited.  Yes, parking is limited, but you cannot park behind a garage.