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Rules & Policies
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  • Rules and Regulations-- Violation of these rules/regulations (click link to access) is subject to citation with associate monetary fines. Owners are responsible to provide their tenants with these rules and regulations.
  • Pool Rules and Pool Party Policy -- Please read and follow the pool rules (click link to access). If you wish to have a pool party, please read and follow the outlined policy (on the pool party request form). Violation is subject to citation and associated monetary fines. Owners are responsible to provide their tenants with the rules/policies.  Having 6 or more guests is considered a pool party requiring an adult resident present at all times. Click here for the pool party request form which must be approved at least two weeks before the party date.  Please send your form to the Board member with pool party responsibility, currently Christa Svorinich at christahoaboard@gmail.com.
  • Garage Sale Policy -- Residents who wish to have a garage sale must provide a written request (email okay) to the Board member with garage sale responsibility (currently Christa Svorinich at christahoaboard@gmail.com) at least two weeks in advance. There is no official form to submit. A resident may not hold more than two garage sales per calendar year, 1 weekend day each, spaced at least three months apart, occurring only between the hours of 8:30 am and 2:00 pm.  Garage sales held without prior approval may result in citation. You are responsible to monitor traffic and parking to ensure that residents are not inconvenienced with blocked garage access and safety is maintained.
    We ask you to get prior approval so that we can calendar the garage sales and not have more than one on a weekend. Most garage sales result in at least one complaint to Board members regarding parking, noise, etc.  There has been a proposal to ban garage sales altogether, but we hope we don’t get to that point. Please be considerate of your neighbors and the community if you have a garage sale.
  • Satellite Dishes -- If you wish to install a satellite dish, the installation must be FIRST approved by the Board. Complete the Satellite Dish form (click link to access) and follow all instructions. If the dish is installed incorrectly (not in compliance with the policy in this form) or without prior Board approval, you will be asked to remove it at your own cost, and pay for any associated damages caused by an inappropriate installation (e.g., roof damage).
  • Modifications to Your Unit -- Modifications to the exterior of your unit (anything deemed common area in the CC&Rs/Bylaws), must have prior approval by the Board. Please complete the Architectural Change form (click link to access) and submit to the Board. You will be asked to provide plans, pictures, permits, etc. depending on the work involved. Examples of modifications are changing out windows or front doors, changing the heating/air conditioning system (which usually involves exterior modifications for gas lines), etc.  Read over the Architectural Guidelines before submitting the form to be sure your plan adheres to guidelines.